Nien Hsing Textile – our textile mill located in the county of Miaoli in Taiwan – has once again stepped up and provided the resources and location for a project on helping foreign workers to Taiwan familiarize themselves with the culture and factory environments.
In partnership with the Miaoli local government, the factory played host to a short film focusing on making expatriate workers feel welcome to the district. Vietnamese and Indonesian workers from our factory took part as actors, and some of our managers even featured in the video.
The Difficulty in Fitting in
In the global market today, few can say they have not worked abroad, and fewer can say fitting into a new environment was easy. This is a reality that plays out around the world, at all industries, and is often overlooked. Providing workers with suitable living conditions and a decent orientation program, will not only make them feel more welcome, but will also provide locals with the opportunity to understand the new arrivals better.

A Whole New World
Traditionally, Nien Hsing is no stranger to expatriate workers. With our vision on an independent global influencer, the company has brought on board more experts at management level, taking the company into a true diverse multicultural business.
Numerous projects are underway to ensure that with this company cultural change proper integration is established, providing a home for all.